Beginner Track
Pollinators: how they help us and how we can help them - Elaine Evans*
Introduction to Honey Bees and Beekeeping - Ana Heck*
Performing a Hive Inspection - Melissa Holahan*
Getting Antibiotics for the Beekeeper - Chris Cripps*
Varroa biology and management: The Basics - Katie Lee*
Bacterial Diseases - Meghan Milbrath*
Lessons from a honey bee veterinarian - Melissa Holahan*
Lightning Research Talks - Peter Fowler, Britteny Kyle, Garret Slater, Robyn Hawley
The Veterinarian in Beekeeping - Chris Cripps*
Lessons from Population Medicine - Biosecurity Concepts to Mitigate Pathogen Spread among Honeybees - Madonna Benjamin
Advanced Track
Understanding honey bee nutritional ecology and practical applications for improving colony health - Pierre Lau*
Tools for Diagnosing Bacterial Brood Diseases - Peter Fowler*
Biology and behavior of honey bee males - Garret Slater*
Varroa: using mite and bee biology to inform management - Katie Lee*
Bumble Bees Biology and Conservation - Elaine Evans*
Commercial Beekeeping - Dan Wyns*
Do Healthy Queens lead to Healthy Colonies? - Katie Lee*
* RACE approved for 1 hour of CE credit